Did you know that 26% of the adult population has provided home care companionship services for a chronically ill or elderly family member in the last year? There are many factors that play into a senior needing at home companionship. This can include physical disabilities or impairments, a new diagnosis, post-surgery recovery, worsening conditions or symptoms, and declining overall health. 

Rather than placing your loved one in a senior housing facility, aging at home can often be the best next step for elderly adults who are no longer independent or in good health. At-home companionship care services can provide seniors with the proper health protection, guidance, and allow them to hold onto their sense of independence.  

Here are some of the ways companionship services can breathe life into your senior:

  1. Familiarity Is Key
  2. Customized Care
  3. Maintain Health and Independence
  4. Sense of Security 
  5. Establish a Safe Environment

Familiarity Is Key

A crucial part of extra care for you or a loved one is ensuring comfort and safety. When seniors have companionship services available, they can often remain in their own homes. 

In addition, seniors will enjoy a sense of familiarity and security as a companionship service is provided at home. Homecare allows your seniors to maintain their independence, connect with their loved ones, and participate in their usual communities and activities.  

Customized Care

While assisted living facilities have some benefits, at-home companionship services can prove to be very beneficial for senior citizens as well. The companionship services offered by home health agencies can help patients receive one-on-one assistance. Caregivers like these can provide you with an added sense of companionship and compassion than you might otherwise get from assisted living facilities.

Seniors who need more specific, involved care may sometimes need companionship services, so they can receive personal care and friendship at their own pace in a more intimate setting. It is often possible to provide greater support with customized homecare. Patients are truly cared for by professional caregivers. Taking this into account, your loved one deserves support to help them thrive.

Maintain Health and Independence

The difficulty of daily tasks tends to increase with age, for anyone. Still being able to live at home can provide a sense of comfort and independence. In addition to providing companionship services, homecare can boost the confidence levels of elderly clients with declining health. When a senior lives in an assisted living facility, they may feel helpless, defeated, or even bitter.

If your loved one is able to stay at home with a companion, he or she will be able to connect with you more. Many senior adults who receive any type of home care can continue to live independently because of the extra support they receive. Our senior loved ones may benefit greatly from increased feelings of confidence and independence.

Contact Bluebird Homecare to preserve the health and independence of your senior loved one!

 Sense of Security

There is a natural tendency to worry about the safety and well-being of family members as they grow older, whether they are your parents or a relative you are not directly related to. The most crucial factor when deciding whether or not to choose an assisted living facility for your loved one or to offer them at home care is being able to rest assured that your loved one is being well taken care of.

If you find companionship services that you are satisfied with, you do not need to worry about their safety or their health. When you know elderly family members are receiving the care they need at home, you can feel a sense of security you never knew you needed.  

Establish a Safe Environment

A lack of safe surroundings is a common concern among those seeking companionship services at home for their loved ones. By creating a safe environment for them, you can help to prevent them from uprooting their entire lives. It may be beneficial to install shower bars, cover the shower and tub floors with slip-resistant surfaces, move items from cabinets, and simplify the home’s functionality. 

The living situation of every individual is different. Companionship services can often help senior loved ones remain at home when matched with the appropriate services. Additionally, they will be able to receive more individualized health and home care tailored to their own specific needs.

Keep Your Loved Ones at Home

Aging in one’s own home is a great option to ensure that you or a loved one maintain independence and a familiar life, all while costing less than most other assisted living options. Bluebird Homecare’s companionship services help make healthy, independent living in the home possible. If you or a loved one is looking to age in place, contact us to see how we can help.